Apro Greentech
Material for open Access
If you are a corporate consumer of solar power, then there are ways to generate solar power as follows:
Onsite solar power plant (which might be on rooftop, ground mount or carport solar installation, Solar BIPV building integrated solar.
Group Captive solar power
Open access solar power
Solar tree, solar benches
Motion sensor lights
Solar powered outdoor workstations
Solar pathway lighting
Solar powered signages
Wind solar hybrid
Group captive solar (investing in solar)
Open access solar power (consumption of solar power through the grid)
How Open Access Solar Power Works
Power will be generated from one of the state solar farms (typically in a rural area where land is freely available)
The Solar Power will be injected into the grid, into an existing sub-station
The power will then go through the existing grid infrastructure to large consumers in the state
The consumer for power could be a factory, an IT Park, a five-star hotel, a hospital, or anyone who has minimum contract demand of 1000 kVA.
How Group Captive Works ?
1. Client will invest 26% of equity into the project, balance by investor from our side
2. Savings on power bills will start from COD of plant within 6 – 9 months of initialization
3. AD benefit can be claimed.